

I was recently talking to one of the staff members of the Y and she posed a fantastic question…

“If you had a choice of feeling skinny (ie. healthy) but others perceived you as fat OR feeling fat but others perceived you as skinny, what would you choose?”

We talked about the ramifications of both choices. Feel healthy at a potentially higher body weight or feel fat at a potentially lower body weight. Both choices deal with body image and potential health issues. Both choices also deal with how others see us.

Both choices also reflect biases held by ourselves and by others. It also brought up a huge, huge question….

What matters more, our opinion of ourselves or the opinions of others? Further, are we being honest with ourselves?

Here’s where the rubber meets the road… We need to be aware of our thoughts and how the opinions of others are impacting ourselves. We also need to be aware how our own thoughts are shaping our beliefs.

– Where are your thoughts holding you back? Stop and ask yourself *why* you’re having the thought and what that thought means. Is it TRUE??

– What do “they” want you to do? Does it really matter?

– Do you and “they” know the whole story? Have you talked about it? Do others know your story or are you hiding it? Do you know their story or are you making assumptions?

Think about it.

Have a great week! Be kind to yourself!

If you’d like to talk about body image or discuss your health and fitness goals, shoot me an email at 1ericwylie@gmail.com or give me a call at 253-988-9483.