Are you in denial?
Take stock of your life. Consider your food, overall health/fitness, your mindset/focus, business and personal finances, and friends/family. On a scale of 1 – 10, how would you rate your overall satisfaction of each area of your life?
Which one scored the lowest? Is there anything specific you want to change in that area? Do you feel a general discontent or can you identify anything specific?
The image above is a stylization of the trans-theoretical model (Stages of behavioral change). The first stage is pre-contemplation and is where everyone starts. You may not be aware of a specific problem and could be considered a general discontent. Something isn’t right but you don’t know what it is. You might even deny there is a problem.
Change is linear in some aspects. We start at pre-contemplation and progress on from there. At some point, it will become a cyclical process and we will start over at different points.
The first step in going from Pre-contemplation to Contemplation is acknowledging a problem. Move away from denial. Once you become aware of a problem there may still be a feeling of ambivalence. You may feel BOTH a desire to change and desire to remain the same.
By any chance, do you know there’s a problem but you’ve decided to ignore it?? That would be ambivalence. You’ve moved from Pre-contemplation to Contemplation.
Consider these areas:
Faith/belief system: Your foundational beliefs. Your soul.
Food: How do you nourish your body and your relationship with food.
Focus/mindset: What is on your mind daily? Get your mind right.
Friends/family: Who are the people you are around the most? Is it a healthy relationship?
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 in each area. Where did you score the lowest? Do you see any problems in that area? Give it some thought.
Your Action Item for this week:
Go from DENIAL to acknowledging a problem. If you’d like, I can follow up with you to see if you’ve taken any action on that problem. If not, that’s cool. It can take time to change.
I’d love to hear from you when you’ve identified the area that needs the most work and if there’s a problem in that area. Think of that as the first step…. Shoot me a note at
Have an incredibly productive week!